- Akshay Kumar
- Dhriti Vij
- Jake Cui
- Joseph Chen
- Kunal Shroff
- Kendy Li
- Kenneth Chen
- Kevin Lin
- Mrinal Save
- Ravi Kodali
- Virginia Sun
- Vishal Bhasin
- Youngchan Lee
Additionally, we have three students scored among the top 2.5% in the nation by scoring over 115.5 in the AMC10 contests. These three students will be invited to participate in the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME), which will take place on March 15, 2012. Students invited to take the AIME include:
- Virginia Sun
- Kevin Lin
- Ravi Kodali
Among the three, Virginia Sun and Kevin Lin also won the AMC10 distinguished honor roll certificates by scoring among the top 1% in the nation (with scores over 121.5).
We commend every one who participated in Math Counts and their coach, Mr. Sam Sun.
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