Monday, April 23, 2012

Kilmer Model UN Racks up Honors at RAMSMUN

Kilmer Model UN students took many honors at RAMSMUN at Rocky Run Middle School on Saturday, April 21:

  • Peter Rohrer and Tom Freebairn took Best and Outstanding awards in the European Union Committee
  • the teams of  John Han and Nic Thomas, and Numan Khan and Priya Krishna  took Best and Honorable Delegations for Disarmament and International Security Council; 
  • the teams of Sarah Huffman and Bella Choi, and Millen Anand and Nikhil Sakhumuri  won Outstanding and Honorable Delegation awards in the World Health Organization;  
  • and Nakul Dar was awarded Verbal Commendation in the Inheritance Cycle.  
Congratulations and great work to all students who participated as well as to Kilmer MUN sponsors, Ellie Altman and Kara Tichoc.

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Optimist Club Oratorical Contest

Congratulations to Clare McConnell and Thomas Mecherikunnel on advancing to the District Level in the Optimist Club's Oratorical Contest.  They took on the high school students at the Zone competition on Saturday, April 21, and came out on top.  This can be attributed to their hard work and the support of their parents and Kilmer's oratorical contest sponsors, Barbara Appling and Ellie Altman.

The District contest will be held in Richmond on Saturday, May 19.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Kilmer Science Olympiad Places SECOND in State Tournament

Kilmer Science Olympiad came in 2nd out of 29 teams competing at the Virginia State Tournament on Saturday, April 14, 2012. 

The students (7th and 8th graders) on the team who medaled in one or more events were : Aly Luckett, Jordan Ganley, Shreya Bhatia, Sarah Huffman, Victoria Yang, Sophia Wu, Joyce Tian, Sophie Tian, Thea Prevalsky, Andy Zhao, Arthur Tisseront, Ryan Gottwald, Jake Cui, Kevin Lin, John Han, Keerthi Puvvada and Nakul Dar.

Kudos to all students who participated for their hard work and team spirit. They made Kilmer proud!

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